Monday, February 9, 2009

HOLY HANNAH- She's actually blogging!

So, I've been neglecting my blog for a number of reasons. I hate my blog and haven't had time to beautify it, so I haven't wanted to actually write in it. I have also found out there were a number of people out there reading my blog and it kind of freak me out. I couldn't take the pressure of coming up with cool blog post worthy of your eyes.
Okay, although all those are semi valid reason for me to drop out of the blog-o-sphere, another big reason is any time I had for the computer has been going to Facebook. I love Facebook, but it is time consuming especially when there is no time to be consumed! I've set up some goals to get back into the blog-o-sphere and by March 1st I plan on debuting a new look for my blog. In the meantime I will be doing a few posts here and there. Today's is kind of a cheater post because it's actually a tag from Facebook. So, for all you losers not on Facebook yet(RY-RY)- here is my "25 Random Things about me":
1. I love to watch movies. Although, after watching a scary movie I have to watch a cartoon before going to bed to minimize the nightmares.
2. I love to read. If there is a book being made into a movie I always try to read the book first. And if it's part of a series (like Harry Potter) I will read the entire series again before seeing the new movie.
3. I wish I could be a world traveller like my husband. I hope to someday make it to Hawaii, Ireland, and Rome.
4. I think snow is so beautiful, but I hate living in it, walking in it, and driving in it.
5. When I bake I talk out loud like I'm Rachel Ray or Paula Deen. It makes cooking more exciting!
6. One time while getting a Body Scan/MRI the technician asked my husband if I had ever had any organs removed. To which my husband replied, "No, is she missing something?"
7. I am afraid of spiders and even have a "spidey sense". Meaning, I have woken my husband up in the middle of the night to have him kill a spider I could feel crawling towards me on the ceiling on the other side of the room.
8. I talk in my sleep and have also been known to occasionally sleep walk.
9. Ever since an illness 5 years ago, my body temperature is never lower than 100.3.
10. The three hardest things I've ever had to deal with in my life are; The divorce of my parents when I was 28, the aggressive war the muscular dystrophy has taken on my body, seeing the pain my son has gone through with all of his surgeries.
11. The divorce of my parents was not shocking, but the aftermath of having a crazy mother, a distant father, and a broken family has been shocking and heartbreaking.
12. I went to Disneyland for the first time when I 28.
13. I love the sound and smell of rain.
14. I will some day have a book published. Most likely a children's book. (I better start writing!)
15. I still get a warm, fuzzy, tingly feeling whenever my husband looks at me or kisses me!
16. I feel extremely guilty whenever I have a moment of feeling sorry for myself about the muscular dystrophy because I am so blessed in other areas of my life!
17. I also feel extremely guilty that I don't have a better relationship with my parents because I know for a fact that four of my close friends would give anything to have their deceased parent back in their lives.
18. I have an obsession with handbags and purses!
19. I love pina colada jelly belly jelly beans and slushies.
20. My greatest accomplishments are my two awesome kids!
21. I love to laugh and have been told by my family that I laugh too easily!
22. I love St. George and can't wait to live there some day.
23. I am so thankful to be married to my best friend and can't believe we've been married for 14 years this September!
24. I would much rather be reading about my friends than writing about myself!
25. I love to play video games and usually win when we play as a family! I love to play games in general!


jenilynd said...

I found your blog!! And I think it is beautiful. It doesn't matter how it looks but what is written in it. You are awesome. Missed you on Sunday hope all is well.

Jenny and the Boys said...

I love your blog, I am in the same boat as you, I'm not happy with my blog, I don't do a very good job of updating it, waste too much time that I don't have on Facebook. But I think yours is wonderful and I love that I can do a quick catch up with good friends.
I hope that you are feeling better!!