Monday, August 4, 2008

Breaking Dawn and Everything in Between

I finally finished Breaking Dawn just after midnight. 12:47 am to be exact. I was determined to finish it because 1) I didn't want anybody else to accidently spoil details for me, 2) I am not able to do anything else when I have a must-read on my hands (including taking care of my family), and 3) I wanted to be the first one finished out of all my friends and family.
Thankfully I had prepared for this and did most of my Saturday chores on Friday, except one important detail, which was to get a present for my daughter's friends birthday party which was Saturday. So after staying up all night Friday and only getting 4 hours of sleep, I woke up Saturday morning at about 8:30 am ready to do a few things before I picked up Breaking Dawn, but once again I fooled myself into thinking "just one chapter". Many chapters later, my husband (yes, we've already established how sweet he is) offered to drive Chloe to the store before the party which they were under the impression was at 3:00 PM and I didn't bother to check because I was busy with the vampire world. But my glorious Blackberry saved the day, my alarm went off at 11:45 am and lo and behold the party started in 15 minutes!! After checking the invite, it turned out my Blackberry was correct. Matt & Chloe made it to the store and party in record time. She was only a few minutes late which was a relief because the drama that would have ensued had she missed the party, and the drama would not have been from Chloe, would have caused even greater guilt that I was neglecting my motherly duties. So my Saturday consisted of me pretty much absorbed in the book. I did make myself put it down at 11:45 PM because we have 9 'o clock church and my body does not function without sleep.
Sunday was an interesting day. I am so glad I put the book down because getting up at 6 am was barely manageble, but I did it. I came home from chruch cranky, which rarely happens because Sundays are my favorite day. But between me being tired, hungry and us (primary presidency) being short-staffed it made for a long, trying day at church. I came home and went straight for the book, only read a few chapters before I zonked. We normally take a nap on Sunday, but usually our naps consists of no more than and hour and a half. This paticular nap lasted from 1:00 PM until 5:30 PM. Holy cow!! Precious reading time wasted on zzzz's! Since I neglected my family all day yesterday, I decided to make them something yummy for dinner. I found a new healthy recipe for grilled pork chops, and my family loved them. Hooray, I got my good mom status back! After dinner we went to our friend's house for an ice cream social. I was not happy about this because 1)Sunday is a family day 2)this social engagement was interfering with precious reading time and 3)I had cancelled going to see my Grandma in the hospital because "someone" was complaining about an overload of computer work he had to finish before Monday, but as soon as the phone rang with the invite suddenly the work could wait til later that night.....needless to say we went and I forgot all about why I wasn't happy about going. I learned that this group of friends are quickly becoming like family and I am so grateful that they continue to include us in their tight knit circle!! We came home about 9:00 PM and it was bedtime for the kids and time for me to finish the book. The book was awesome! I love the Twilight series but I am not a crazed fan like some of my friends. I find Bella, the main character, highly annoying. A lot of her characteristics were grating in the first three books. She seemed whiney, needy, clingy, and honestly how klutzy can one person be?! I love Edward. I think anyone who reads these books and doesn't like Edward either hasn't met "their Edward" yet, or Edward is just too much to live up to. Luckily I've found my Edward, maybe that's why I like him so much! I also didn't like the love triangle. I just don't think the heart is made that way. If you are committed and have truly found your soul mate then why would anyone else even make it on your radar?? I was a little disgruntled when Breaking Dawn started up with the love triangle again. But like I said at the beginning, Stephenie Meyer pulled it off. All of Bella's annoying traits worked to her advantage, and now she's one of my favorite characters. Stephenie Meyer's wrapped this series up in a creative, crafty way, with a beautiful bow on top!! Seriously people, READ THE BOOK(s)!

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