Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Missing M@t - Day Eight

It's been one of those days. Not a bad day, but not a great day.

I had to start off my day with ironing which was not all bad because I got some much needed iPod listening time in.

I was stood up for a phone date. (I'm sure he had a good reason.)

After school, we ran some errands searching for vampire teeth for Chloe's costume party for her Activity Day's Party. The clerk at Shopko said every kid in the valley seems to be dressing as a vampire for Halloween and then she told us what stores to avoid because she had already searched earlier that day. Crisis was averted because Chloe decided to go as a "Hippie Stayin' Alive Party Gal" (her spring dance costume came in handy!) We will continue our search for vampire teeth on Friday when we have more time! I'm hoping she'll decide to go with the Hippie for Halloween night, but chances of that are slim!

Chloe had fun at her party. Everyone loved her costume. All was well until dinner time. Needless to say, Chloe is going to bed hungry tonight. She has developed this horrible, nasty quirk. Chloe refuses to eat leftovers. Contrary to the belief of her father who says I taught her this - so not true- this annoying trait has really been bad the past two months. I understand that there are things that do not reheat well, but this was a pasta dinner that only gets better with age. I gave her a choice to eat what was offered or she could go to bed hungry. She went to bed hungry! I was hoping after having our Family Home Evening lesson on President Boyd K Packer testimony on being frugal and conservative she would be willing to eat what's offered, but that is not the case. Don't worry, I checked a parenting website and a kid will not starve to death from missing one meal, no harm done. I just get to go to bed feeling like a crappy mom.

Surprisingly Jordan was rather cooperative on all issues (homework, shopping, dinner, bedtime.) That is a shock. I think he's trying to butter me up for something.

Tomorrow is a new day and I think it is going to be great!

1 comment:

Matt said...

Stood you up? Couldn't have been me, I IM'd you and called twice. You were not home! Must have been the while-the-husband's-away boyfriend, what a jerk!