Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Sleepless in Salt Lake

I could also title this post 'R.U.D.E. needs to learn some R.E.S.P.E.C.T.' !

I some how have managed to hurt my back/shoulder. Which has rendered me useless and in bed, except for those necessary moments where I have had to drive to pick up kids because a five mile walk seems cruel for kids at this age. So needless to say, yesterday after picking up the kids from school the pain was unbearable and I took some pain medication (tylenol just wasn't cutting it.) As I was trying to sleep tonight someone decided to stay up late and blog. In the bedroom. With the lights on, t.v. on, clickety click of the computer and non-stop blackberry buzzing that seemed to be right in my ear as he down loaded picture after picture. Just as he's finishing up and I'm finally annoyed enough that I am fully awake now, I ask for a little conversation to help me get sleepy, but I am informed that "this is sleeping time"!!! Really?? I wasn't aware that people were allowed peace and quiet when they wanted to sleep. But no need to worry out of R.E.S.P.E.C.T. I am in the kitchen clickety clicking away so my sweetie can enjoy his peace and quiet for "sleeping time"!

Maybe this should be title 'To Ticked of To Sleep'!

1 comment:

Matt said...

from now on I will do all my computer work in my office. you will never hear anouther clickety clack from me (if I am indeed the person you are talking about).